STAND ALONE/ à¤Ã×èͧºÑ¹·Ö¡ÀÒ¾ |
ԹҊ : DG-H4/8/16 |
Թҍ Stand Alone DVR
Թ DVR Stand Alone H.264 Compression Ẻ 4-8-16 CH |
- Ãкº¡Åéͧǧ¨Ã»Ô´ DVR Stand Alone ãªé§èÒ ¤Çº¤ØÁ¡Åéͧâ´Âãªé Remote Control ãªé§èÒÂàËÁ×͹ºÑ§¤Ñº·ÕÇÕ´ÙÍÂÙè·ÕºéÒ¹ä´éàÅ ¾ÃéÍÁ¤Ø³ÊÁºÑµÔ à¤Ã×èͧ¨Ð·Ó§Ò¹àͧ·Ñ¹·Õ ( Automatic ) àÁ×èÍÁÕä¿ÁÒ ã¹¡Ã³Õ·Õèà¡Ô´à˵ءÒóì ä¿¿éҴѺ
1) Video input: max. supports 24 channels
2) Single system: PAL / NTSC
3) Resolutions:
a) PAL: 704 x 576 (D1), 352 x 288 (CIF), 176 x 144 (QCIF)
b) NTSC: 704 x 480 (D1), 352 x 240 (CIF), 176 x 120 (QCIF)
4) Frames: PAL each channel 1-25fps, NTSC each channel 1-30fps
5) Compression: H.264
6) Video output: 1 channel TV output, 1 channel VGA output
7) Video preview: supports preview all channels at same time, supports switching display in 1, 4, 6, 9 screen slip
8) Audio input: 8 channels
9) Compressing standard: G.729
10) Operation system: embedded operation system
11) RS-485:1 RS-485 port, for control the pan/tile and lens
12) Net port: one 10/100M Ethernet port, for network surveillance, maintenance,and control
13) Alert input/output: 24 switches for input and 6 switches for output, supports local alert, and network linkage alert
14) System stability: software and hardware with watch-dog function protect the system hanging up. The system will auto-restart when it shut off
15) Power: AC 220V±10%
16) Network control: setup parameter via client site software or browser, real-time preview video, saves the data and remote PTZ control
17) Web-server function: with Web Server function, can visit via browser
18) System control: system parameter setting, password setting, time setting, auto-lock setting, pan/Tilt control, fast searches
19) Cam control includes: pan, tilt, vari-focal, focusing, Iris
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